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Errol Yeung

 “My work captured a specific moment of time. It does not have a form, it’s a combination of me, paint and time. What I paint is balancing my mind at the moment of time. It could be expressing the feeling of missing someone, longing for something, or fight with my inner self.”


Errol is an Action Painter, and Artist, a Bowtie Crafter, a Designer and Editor, and Event Stylist , a Marketer. 


He Start designing bowtie since 2012 and started his own label – LORRE the Nerd. The goal is to create a statement piece for fashion lovers. Inspired by Damen Hirst’s Spin Painting and Jackson Pollock’s painting, Errol captured the vibe and create splatter paint on fabric and turn it into a bowtie. Each bowtie will always be the ONE AND ONLY as the painting cannot be duplicated. 


After many testing on bowtie, Errol turned his creation from accessory to painting. By action painting, he creates a flow of emotion through paints and brushes. Celebrating the free forms of splashes and randomness.